Saturday, 9 May 2015

Happy Mother's Day! wonderful video from these kids is priceless

Happy Mother's Day! wonderful video from these kids is priceless

Being a mom is a tough job, which is why we partnered with for this post on the truth about what moms really want for Mother's Day.Parenthood isn't always easy, and being a mom is a big job with many (if not adorable) challenges. It's not like we're looking for much — five minutes to shower alone, maybe a small box of chocolates (that we don't have to share) — but the acknowledgement is where it's at. Sure, a handmade card crafted by your youngest causes tears to trickle, but admit it, there are a few other things you really want on Mother's Day. We asked our favorite fellow moms what was at the top of their lists, and we couldn't agree more. Make your mother happy, send your wishes to your mother.


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